Sage. Aum. Intentions. Steam. Meditation. Serenity. Awaken.
Warm steam arises from a sweet crevasse beneath me. It gently warms my yoni and invites her so sweetly to open. Like a rose petal, blossoming, she awakens and becomes receptive to the medicine that is entering. Sacred flowers and herbs are meticulously picked and boiled for this ancient ritual. Time is taken from my modern-day business to drop in, to be and to breathe; space allowed to focus all my attention on my beautiful Yoni (ancient Sanskrit word for ‘sacred gateway’ or ‘vagina’).
Some go to church, yoga, or dance, while I go to my Yoni Temple every Sunday morning and pray. I have made this ceremony a part of my weekly holistic vaginal upkeep (excluding moontime). Through experience I recognize the valuable gifts it offers back to me and because it feels so good, I continue showing up for myself again and again in this way.
“Every woman’s uterus needs attention, love & gratitude. When we are One with the womb, we are One with the Goddess.
– Dr. Rosita Arvigo, Womb Shaman
☽ Boost Fertility – Yoni Steaming is widely used for increasing fertility due to its powerful ability to cleanse the uterus of any old, stuck residue. This makes for a beautiful clean ‘home’ ready for a sacred occupant. If you are trying to conceive, it’s a powerful tool for bringing forth all dreams and creations into physical manifestation;t increases magnetism, abundance, creativity and feminine radiance.
☽ Balance and Regulate Hormones – Yoni steaming is a direct path for herb and plant allies to penetrate the uterus. When boiled, the herbs release volatile oils, their unique medicine. As the warm steam opens and relaxes the outer labia, the inner labia swells and exposes herself. The steam softens the cervix while the blood streams then carries the herbal medicine to the entire reproductive bowl.
☽ Detox – Regular yoni steams stimulate and clean the lymph system, expelling toxins from the pelvic bowl. It also exfoliates the uterine lining of any residue membranes and buildup. This is really important to do especially after birth, miscarriage, abortion and hormonal birth control. Yoni steams are like a magical reset button.
☽ Sweet Nectar – Due to the natural detoxifying effects of yoni steaming, your vaginal nectar will naturally begin to taste and smell sweeter as your body moves towards a more alkaline state. You may first experience an increase in discharge, as your uterus self-cleanses. Then the steam spa will thin excess mucus, leaving behind only vital fertile fluids.
☽ Connect to the Cosmic Womb – Yoni Steaming, aka Bajos, v-steam and chai-yok, is an ancient practice, through many cultures, made modern. By connecting deeply into your feminine essence, your personal power source, as well as the Source of Creation, you will align to the will of the collective womb. All wombs are linked through an energetic current, or web, that is untethered by time and space. This means that as you are doing amazing healing for yourself, you are also liberating your ancestral and future generations.
☽ Moontime Grace – After initiating a regular yoni steaming practice, your moontime will naturally become lighter and easier.. By cleansing the uterus of old blood and stagnant energy, while increasing circulation, yoni steaming aids in soothing all premenstrual symptoms, emotionally and physically. Check out Pain-free Period with the Ancient Art of Yoni Steaming for a detailed guide on how to ease symptoms.
☽ Increases Sensitivity and Pleasure – Yoni steaming increases circulation, bringing more sensitivity and sensation to the vaginal canal. As it also tones and detoxifies, it resets the yoni to its natural state. This increases sensitivity and receptivity to touch and stimulation. Also, with regular steaming and loving attention, any pain or numbness will begin to fade, making space for more pleasure.
☽ Self Love – Turning your attention towards yourself in a loving way is an act of self love. You are focusing your vital mana (life-force energy) back onto yourself, for your own evolution and awakening. You are stating that you are worthy, you are deserving, and you are receptive to love and devotion. Yoni steaming is taking the time for you.
☽ Yoni Guru – Your yoni knows best; always. This ancient practice gives you the key to tap into your innate wisdom and Divine Feminine intelligence. It invites you inside; to your intimate, sacred and powerful center. It is trusting the generations of wisdom that has been passed down from womb to womb to be here with us today.
☽ Activates Kundalini Shakti – Yoni steaming is a deep spiritual experience. It awakens and fires up Kundalini Shakti, potent life-force energy that resides at the base of your spine. The steam sends the energy upwards and through the chakras (spirals of vital energy that contains codes for enlightenment).
☽ It’s Changed Mine – Regular Yoni steaming rituals have changed the way I interact with my own body and the body of the world. It changed the way I eat, make love, speak to my yoni, take time for myself, and feel beautiful and worthy. It’s lightened and shortened my moontime, rid any symptoms of PMS, increased pleasure and sensuality in my yoni, and awakened me from the inside.
This is why, sister, I am passionate about sharing this potent information with you.
My vision is that it inspires you to try something new, and Remember Who You Are.
Let’s get started!
What you’ll need to create a Yoni Steam Spa in your own sacred space:
➵ V-STEAM QUEEN SPA – Lovingly hand-made and blessed on the sacred island of Hawai’i from all natural wood and an organic hemp sealer. It increases your ability to relax into the ceremony and sensations and directs the channel of steam directly at your vaginal canal and anus opening. Why worry about squatting over a boiling pot when you can press the easy button?! Our steam seats are easy to store and easier to use. I also take mine on traveling adventures and love to drop into the land by using fresh herbs and flowers I pick there.
You got this sister.
It’s time to Rise!
I love you,