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Enter the fragrant room where the feminine roses are watered, honored, and blossom open. Here is your highest echelon of women’s holistic wellness, self-care and preventative practices.
Feeling good is not a luxury, it’s a daily ritual.
Meet the Creatrix
Alila Grace
Alila Rose Grace, founder of Mahina Menstrual Cup, is a vagina wellness expert and soul embodiment coach. She is an international speaker and writer, inspiring women to live their purpose, passion and pleasure. Alila encourages your personal mission, through the translation and opening of your body’s wisdom. She believes this is your greatest asset and ally.
Alila is a dedicated mama, deeply passionate about honoring our bodies & planet as our personal & collective temples. She has traveled many corners of the globe, receiving ancient wisdom traditions and translating them into accessible practices and products for our modern lives.
The Rose Room was created in devotion to the Feminine and her deep need to honor herself. A woman who is open in her body and backed by the power of love in her heart is unstoppable. And Alila believes that we desperately need more women courageously loving their world, open.
5 week LIVE Yoni Egg Initiation Course
Discover Your Roadmap to
Feminine Mastery
“Alila is fiery soul with genuine empathy as the safety net. Highest level of regards and claims about the deep work we embark on together.”
-Noel Fiorentinos
-Katherine Zorensky
-Laura Dawn
-Sara Cousineau
“I will honestly say Alila Rose Grace is the most positive, uplifting woman I have met. She radiates in pure joy, deep wisdom and sparkling health. Her wisdom is lovingly delivered, delightfully deep and easily assimilated. She is a rising female leader in women’s health today. ”
-Darby Partner
“Alila is a trusted guide. She has made my life better just by being herself.”
-Laurel Glass Lees
-Nick Fiorentinos
-Tara Descalzi
-Chyla Walsh
-Dr Jessica Refner