Period Sex: from Scary to Sacred

Period sex is one of the biggest taboo topics in our western society. However, according to the Ancient Tantric Teachings, it’s one of the most mystical and magical practices. The tantric are know masters of the bridges between worlds, the underworld and the world in which we live in. The underworld, sometimes referred to as […]
What’s your better period?

I have a confession.. Even as a period coach, my period can still get messy, painful and downright not fun. It’s my passion and mission to bring period liberation to the world, and yes, most of the time, this begins with me and my own period journey. It’s my joy to educate women + […]
Modern Magic Making with your Period

Part of the process of reclaiming our femininity, is honoring and respecting all parts of ourselves. In a culture where menstruation has been hidden, demonized, and shamed, it as an act of revolution to change your relationship with your period. One of the many benefits of using a menstrual cup is that it dissolves the disconnection that […]
8 Ways To Prevent A Leaky Menstrual Cup

My goal is for you to have an epic experience with Mahina Menstrual Cup. I desire for you to have confidence to do all that you love, even during your period. I know what it’s like to feel frantic about stains and leaks. I also know what it’s like to wear Mahina Cup properly and […]
Period Hacks: 9 Ways to Ditch the Cramps and Liberate your Cycle

Your period can actually be a time of rest, relaxation, rejuvenation, deep internal wisdom and pleasure (yes I said PLEASURE)! You have the choice to spend your energy avoiding and resenting your period or to honor and celebrate it. The way we approach anything in life, is how it will be mirrored back to us. […]