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Modern Magic Making with your Period

Part of the process of reclaiming our femininity, is honoring and respecting all parts of ourselves. In a culture where menstruation has been hidden, demonized, and shamed, it as an act of revolution to change your relationship with your period.

One of the many benefits of using a menstrual cup is that it dissolves the disconnection that comes with many conventional feminine hygiene products. Instead of hastily taking out your tampon, or ripping your pad out and burying it in the trash, you connect with the beauty of your body.

Cleaning and emptying your Mahina Cup can become not only a necessary part of your menses, but a ritual to embrace. An incredible way to create these rituals, is to look beyond the toilet for emptying your cup. Understanding that the sacred fluid that seeps from your body during your cycle is also high in proteins, phosphate, iron, calcium, and more! 

So instead of immediately disposing of your mystical menses, consider some of these as a way to utilize the magic your body creates. 

Feeling inspired? Go ahead and get in there! This your body, it’s nothing to be scared of. Embrace the beauty that is you and your period. 

Get Artsy With It:

Embrace your artistic nature and utilize the medium that nature gave you, by using your period blood during your next art session. 

Break out the Canvas, or your favorite (durable) multi-medium sketchbook, and let it flow! Use your hands for some finger painting action, designate a paint brush for fine details, mix it with acrylic medium or other texturizers to create a variety of effects. Decorate a mandala-rific coloring book, make a self portrait, let them juices flow!

Here’s one that got me jazzed at the mere thought of it…body painting! Adorn and anoint your vessel with your own self made body paint. Create intricate circles, sacred symbols, and beautiful blessings on your being. Follow up with a nakey dance party. Get wild in the markings of your own moon. 

Write on:

On the topic of artistic expression, use your blood as a medium to let your heart pour out through words. Use a fine tipped paintbrush to create poetry with your own ink. Share your manifestations, let it all come to the surface, and speak it into existence with your own magic paintbrush. Your words may bleed together (pun intended tehehe), but the intention is what matters. Release yourself from your self imposed restrictions, and let your expression roar.

Beauty and Bathing:

With such a high nutritional content, your moon is the perfect substance to use in your home spa time. Lovingly apply to your face for a potently packed mask. Lavish your body in your loving flow by massaging your menses into your body with a mix of coconut oil. Dump into your bathtime to create a mystical, moon experience. There are few things more powerful than floating in the magic that your own body created (this may require some extra clean up).  

Nourish Your Garden:

A trend that’s been floating around the internet for a while, is the practice of using your menses to feed your plants. Don’t just pass this one off as another internet trend! Your potent power is concentrated in your moon, use it to nourish your plant babies. This practice allows you to connect deeper with our foliaged friends. Giving back to them, after all they do for us in this symbiotic cycle of reciprocity. No need to spend money on expensive plant food, use what your mama gave you and give it back to Mama Earth!

Sensual Spells:

If you’re reading this blog, chances are you’re into the magical. The mystical. Things that may be considered a little taboo- they work to fuel you. 

Using your moon as part of your ceremonies and spells is a way to pay reverence to the magic of your body, and use it to create more magic in your life. 

Set up your candles, incense, crystals, Tarot Cards, pull out all the stops. Pour your moon juice into a glowing glass, place it on your altar, and move through your normal rituals or whatever is calling to you. 


Take these recommendations one at a time, or all at once (supplies permitting). Pay honor to your period. To the amazing creation that is the female body, and all that comes out and through it!

From my heArt to yours, xxAlila